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A Sign on the Buyer?
Homes that are listed exclusively have signs in the front yard. Other agents know the seller is represented and rarely dare to interfere with the seller-agent relationship. The Code of Ethics requires REALTORS®; to determine if a potential buyer-client is represented by another agent. Often it doesn't happen!

The PASSPORT® puts a sign on your buyer. It tells other agents your client is "off limits". It's as close as we can come to putting a sign (protective shield) on your buyers!


  • Quickly identifies buyers as your exclusive clients.

  • Creates an "official" connection between buyer & agent.

  • Personalizes the buyer-agent relationship.

  • Differentiates you from your competitors.

  • Constantly positions you as #1 in the buyer's mind.

  • Quantity


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    Orders over 500, please call for pricing. 903-224-5524
    *Shipping based on weight and zip code, please call for rate. Arizona Residents add 7.6% sales tax.


    Are disloyal buyers one of your pet peeves?
    Even with a buyer-broker agreement buyers visit open houses and new home subdivisions unescorted. They even buy homes through other agents.

    The PASSPORT®...

    • Educates buyers about agency & home shopping.

    • Reinforces buyer do's & don'ts.

    • Helps buyers compare & contrast homes.

    • Is a great consulting tool.

    • Assists with buyer registration at new homes & open houses.

    The PASSPORT®...

    • Fits easily into purse or pocket.

    • Allows for open house agent and builder sign-in, important dates & support team info.

    • Has 12 Home Tour Visa™ pages for taking notes during home viewing.

    • Includes self-adhesive see-thru pockets to display the buyer's photo and your business card.

    Buyer's agents across North America are using the PASSPORT® to seal
    & strengthen relationships and increase buyer loyalty.

    Custom Covers

    • Available for orders of 2,500 or more.

    • Prices subject to change due to printing costs. Check with us for current prices

    • Add shipping and handling to prices. (Based on weight and zip code.)

    • Arizona residents add 7.6% sales tax.

    • Purchasers must provide American Dream Passport® with camera-ready art work. (black/white, photo positive)

    • 50% payment is due at time of order.

    • Allow 45-60 days from receipt and approval of final art work.

    To place an order Call 903-224-5524