Top 12 Reasons to Hire Rhonda
  1. Rhonda loves teaching and is passionate about the subjects that she teaches or speaks about, and those in attendance feel it.  You get an expert who is conscientious and gives 110% to each and every client.

  1. She is authentic and brings real “in the field” experience as an agent practicing real estate brokerage, and as a trainer and consultant for other practicing agents.

  1. Rhonda loves to have fun!  She believes that more learning takes place when we are enjoying ourselves.  She believes learning should be stimulating, motivating, and enjoyable!

  1. She brings more than just motivation!  She brings solid content!  Participants will walk away with practical, down-to-earth, specific information, ideas and tools for immediate implementation in daily practices.

  1. She uses varied teaching techniques and makes an effort to involve each participant in the learning process.

  1. She is easy to work with – pleasant, flexible and accommodating.  She has the ability to connect with people from all walks of life.

  1. She custom designs presentations and/or course content to fit the specific needs of any group or audience.  

  1. Rhonda CARES about the end result and about pleasing those who hire her.  She shares the same goal with the planners, which is to have a successful event and she will take the time to learn about your organization and the people within it.  

  1. Attendees will be happy with their investment of time and energy in attending, because she consistently delivers interactive, enjoyable programs.  That’s why they will ask for Rhonda to return again, and again, and again.  

  1. Rhonda will inspire your members to appreciate one another and to work towards common goals.  Participants will be encouraged and motivated to take steps to “reach new heights” within their personal and professional lives. 

  1. She is available for a variety of situations – keynotes, break-outs, interactive seminars, motivational speeches…

  1. She can entertain!  Rhonda is an experienced, professional singer, capable of including music in motivational segments.  Just ask!