Speaking Topics

Seven Decisions That Determine Personal and Professional Success

Explore seven powerful decisions that determine our success.  Take the journey, examine the choices you make, and change the direction of your life. 

Dare To Be Different:  Appropriate Risk To Reward

To boost production and performance in an industry full of stiff competition, it is imperative that strong sales skills are developed; not sales gimmicks and high-pressure tactics.  To close the transactions, we need open doors.  We must dare to be different in the way we approach our business and in the way we communicate our value to present clients and future prospects.  We must give people a reason to choose us over the competition.  During this seminar we will discuss creative ways and techniques to differentiate and position ourselves through effective branding, positioning and marketing.  We will also focus on skills to build relationships, keep clients loyal, and encourage repeat and referral business.  In a nutshell, when we take appropriate risks, combine strong sales skills with great relationship-building skills, weave that with an innovative and positive attitude, we parlay our ability to experience tremendous success. 

The Forces of Leadership

Leadership skills not only determine success in organizations, but they also determine personal success.  Strong leadership means growth, confidence, and balance.  Examine the laws of leadership, along with the myths that exist.  Gain the skills needed to take your organization or your personal self to the next level.

Juggling Life’s Problems Without Dropping Your Sanity

Ever feel overwhelmed trying to juggle all the problems and areas of life?  Do you feel like you don’t know where to start because you have so much to do?  Do the pressures of life weigh on you and does the negativity of these problems hold you back from reaching your full potential? Attend this seminar and walk away with simple tools that will allow you to “juggle life’s problems without dropping your sanity”!

I Can’t Read Your Mind…..Or Can I?

The spoken word is only 7% of communication.  The other 93% is in tone of voice and body language.  This fun seminar explores reading and using body language to become a more skilled professional salesperson and communicator. 

Becoming the Brand of Choice!
What is a brand?  It isn’t a logo or the colors of your marketing, or even a tagline.  Brand is about who you are, the promises you make, and steps you take to deliver.  Building a brand with a strong recognition and a great reputation, gives you a tremendous advantage over your competition in the marketplace.  In this seminar you will explore the action steps that lead to “becoming the brand of choice!”

Working With Different Types
It has been shown that by not having a good understanding of different personalities and behavior types, you very possibly are limiting your success to only 25% of your potential success!  Come for a  few hours of great fun, while gaining practical knowledge that can increase your sales ability, reduce liability, and reduce conflict in your business life and personal life.  You will learn about your personal style and how to deal with other behavior styles in this interactive seminar.

Other Topics Available:
Whose Team Are You On Anyway?
Sales and Leadership Skills…Bettering Your Best…Raising the Bar!
Leadership’s Toolbox
Making Sense Of Change
The Power Of Choice
A Check-Up From The Neck Up!

There are many other topics available. For a complete list, or to request information on a specific topic, please contact us at Rhonda@RhondaHamilton.com or 903-224-5524.